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- Last Content Update: 04/10/2023
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(recurs at $39.95/mo)Asian Sex Diary is a sex tourism site. It revolves around John Tron and his adventures hooking up with girls from all over the world, but especially in places like the Phillippines, Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam. Aside from all the sex scenes, he also treats it like an XXX vlog, posting short updates, giving travel advice, and more.
John Tron meets his girls in a few different ways. Some are street pick-ups, while others are OnlyFans or adult models. Sometimes he records his interactions, but usually, the sex scenes have a bit of conversation before they get to the good stuff. You'll find a lot of model diversity and a fair amount of girls seem willing to get creampied.
You'll find 4,152 videos on this site. Of those, nearly 1,600 are sex scenes, with the remainder being vlogs. They've been releasing 1080p content for a while now, but if you go into the archives, you'll eventually hit the HD ones. Lower resolutions are available to stream as well. New content arrives daily.
Flightclub is the name of the rewards program. Members get "miles" for maintaining their membership, leaving comments, sharing content, and even just logging in. You can also purchase packs of miles separately. Once you have enough, exchange them for extended cuts of released videos, special scenes that are otherwise unavailable, or bonus content from other sites, like Tuk Tuk Patrol.
Asian Sex Diary has good usability. There's an advanced search, tags, categories, and a couple of ways to browse the collection. You'll also find member comments, ratings, and a favorites section. Other things of note are the optional dark mode, mobile-responsive design, and background maps.
The My Diary section includes all the porn scenes, but it also includes vlogs, which are usually short videos where John travels around, talks with locals, or records random people on the train or bus.
In the Try It Out For Yourself (TIOFY) section, you'll find some of the most valuable information on the site. There are location guides, insider information, and John's reflections on being a sex tourist.
John curates his own favorites list, which are his favorite scenes from over the years. It's not quite a sorting option, but it can give you some insight into the girls he likes.
If you like photos, 3,163 sets are available. Some of these are of the girls and sex scenes, while others are tourist photos John's taken during his travels.
Asian Sex Diary is serious about its IP, so you won't find any option to download the videos or photos. It feels a bit odd for them to have so many warnings about keeping the content, considering you'll find paid OnlyFans content, movie clips, and other information from other producers inside the members' area.
To be clear, a video releases every day on this Asian porn site. But it's not the same as other sites, where the expectation is the video will be a porn scene. Most of the daily updates are vlogs and short ones at that. Plus, during COVID and occasionally since then, there have been reuploads called "flashbacks."
It's easy to see the appeal of Asian Sex Diary. It has a long history, a unique cast of performers, and a lot of non-porn content. Plus, the loyalty program is a great way to incentivize member engagement. However, the lack of downloads holds it back from realizing its full potential.